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On April 18th (Thurs), Buntoku Junior High and High School held a joint Inauguration Ceremony for the Sports Day that will be held on April 28th (Sun).
At the ceremony, following Buntoku High School’s student council president, Buntoku Jr’s student council president, Ms. Ideguchi, gave a speech about how everyone should work together to make the Sport Day’s theme of “brilliance” become reality.
Our head of the PE committee then gave a speech saying, “Let’s do our best in each sport with energy, motivation, and power to avoid injury.”
These two speeches from the student council president and the head of the PE committee brought moral to the group as a whole.
On April 12th (Fri), we held the welcome field trip at Zuiganji Park.
Once we reached the park, the 8th and 9th graders led the activities they thought of to welcome the new 7th graders.
During the introductions of the various school clubs, each club’s members included the 7th graders in a friendly manner.
After lunch, the students council led everyone in playing hot potato using a ball, and red light, green light.
The 7th graders having been able to communicate with their upperclassmen while moving their bodies outside slowly looked less nervous, and it seemed like everyone had gotten to know each other a little more.
The upperclassmen were mostly in charge of this activity.
The student council president, Ms. Ideguchi, said to the new 7th graders, “Let’s become friends as soon as possible. If there’s ever something you’re troubled about, please ask us. Welcome to Buntoku Junior High.” The 7th grade representative, Ms. Hata, responded with their thanks for holding the ceremony for them.
For the activity, groups you’re made of 7th, 8th, and 9th graders to play Old Maid.
The 7th graders who were welcomed by the student council appeared to be relaxed and all smiles as they talked and played with their upperclassmen.
Although it was rainy in the morning, the beautiful spring sun shone through the school just before the beginning of the ceremony as if to celebrate the new start for the eight new students.
After the admissions speech, the students received messages of congratulations from Principal Takeshita, Sojo University’s Principal Mr. Nakayama, and the Vice President of Buntoku’s PTA’s Mr. Matsuura like those below.
○We’re aiming to raise students who will be useful towards the cause of world peace and who will become global resources. Through Buntoku Junior High’s all-rounded education, he hopes Buntoku students will demonstrate leadership skills. (Principal)
○You should read a lot. We should cultivate students who are benevolent and show respect for others. You should try to live a regular life and cherish each day. If you put your hearts into doing these three things, you’ll be able to achieve the “immortal power” that is mentioned in our school song during your school life. (Sojo’s Principal)
○You should have expectations and hopes for your school life. In Buntoku Junior High and High School’s wonderful atmosphere, you should work hard to actively participate in things with the high school students. (PTA Vice President)
↑Buntoku’s Principal (top left)、Sojo University’s Principal (top right)、Buntoku’s PTA’s Vice Principal (bottom left)、group picture with the 8 new students (bottom left).
During the new student’s pledge, one of the new 7th graders, Mr. Koga, said, “I’m worried about the many classes I have to take, but I aim to become a fulfilled student who is able to pursue my dreams like a young Olympian.”
After the closing ceremony, there was a greeting from the parent’s representative, then the teachers were introduced, then the 8 new 7th graders headed to the 1J classroom with nervous faces and participated in homeroom.
On April 6th (Sat.), we held a ceremony to welcome new staff members to Buntoku Junior High and the opening ceremony for the 2024 school year.
[Introduction of new staff]
During the ceremony, Ms. Rumi Ogawa was introduced as the new Social Studies teacher.
Ms. Ogawa has also participated in volunteering in the JRC for many years, so she used a
JRC icebreaker to introduce herself to the students.
After her introduction, the head of the student council, Ms. Ideguchi, welcomed Ms. Ogawa and said they were all looking forward to her instruction and classes.
After the ceremony finished, the principal introduced the following 3 teachers who moved to the Junior High School from Buntoku High School.
・Mr. Hiroshi Ogata(Junior High School Vice Principal)
・Mr. Akira Nakagawa(International Education Promotion Committee)
・Ms. Amanda Rae Ouverson (International Education Promotion Committee)
[Opening Ceremony]
To start, the principal Mr. Takeshita, brought up the following lessons and reminders to the students:
・To prevent catching the seasonal flu, we should carefully sanitize our hands.
・While now entering the era of “living with COVID”, we at Buntoku Junior High will think
of how to creatively rebuild, and we’ll all sing our school song loudly together.
・One of the important things in life/his philosophies in life is to “practice good manners” and always work to improve one’s character.
・Students should work to be thorough in all matters, and demonstrate leadership by taking initiative with greeting others and cleaning.
・Students should take care of the flower beds around the school gate which provide
comfort to our school’s students and local residents.
・To quote Confucious, “Those whose strength is insufficient give over in the middle of the way but now you limit yourself,” students shouldn’t limit themselves and should try anything without fear of failure. (今女は画れり)
Next, our head of the student life committee led the recitation of the life principals for our students, the school song was sung and after the ceremony finished, the new homeroom teachers were announced.
Everyone sang the school song loudly and we were able to start off the new school year well.