文徳中学校トップページ » <令和6年度 学校説明会①の申込>
Science experiment
On Wednesday July 17th, in the 7th graders science class they did an experiment on how substances dissolve in water and how to filter things. They used starch and coffee sugar. Starch does not dissolve easily in water, while coffee sugar dissolves easily. After filtering, the starch remained on top of the coffee filter paper and the coffee sugar passed through.
On Monday, July 8th, we invited Tomoharu Uemura of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force to give a career lecture titled “Antarctica and the Icebreaking Ship Shirase.” Mr. Uemura spoke to the students kindly about his experience as an engineer on board the Icebreaker Shirase, the events that occurred during the voyage to the Antarctic, and stories from his mission in Antarctica. The lecture began with a question about what country has control over Antarctica. Antarctica is not the property of any country, but the shared property of all humanity. After explaining that the area is 37 times that of Japan, and that the entire continent is covered in ice with an average thickness of 2,000 meters, Uemura said that observations of Antarctica, which hold many clues to changes in the global climate, are very important, and that something he has felt particularly recently is that, although it used to require thousands of icebreakers to approach the coast of Showa Station, the number of icebreakers has decreased significantly in recent years. If all the ice in Antarctica melted, the seas around the world would rise by 60 meters. Mr. Uemura talked to the students about the ecology of animals such as penguins living in the harsh natural environment of Antarctica, stories from life at Showa Station, and stories about the midnight sun and the aurora, all of which piqued their interest while he showed them videos. He also brought some ice from Antarctica so that the students could get a real image of Antarctica and introduced it as ice containing air bubbles from 10,000 years ago.
On July 3rd, we put up decorations for Tanabata.
Each student wrote something they want to improve on, a wish, a dream they want to come true in the future, and wishes for their friend’s happiness on a slip of paper and hung them up on a bamboo tree branch.
On Saturday, July 6th, the 7th graders did experiment for gas generation in science class.
They added diluted hydrochloric acid (A) to limestone and peroxydiamine (B) to manganese dioxide to generate gas, and then investigate what that gas was.