学校法人 文徳学園 文徳高等学校・文徳中学校


文徳中学校トップページ » 12月3日(火) 崇城大学情報学部IOT・AIセンターへの見学


12月3日(火) 崇城大学情報学部IOT・AIセンターへの見学







「最新の技術がどのように生活を便利にしているかを実感できました。ソニーのセンサー技術など具体的に体験することができ IOTが日常生活に溶け込んでいることを学べたのは貴重な体験でした。また、これから社会でIOTがどのように発展し、問題解決に役立つかを考えさせられました。IOTは生活や仕事を効率化し、快適さを向上させるものだとわかりました。しかしデータの安全性やカメラで映すことはプライバーシー保護の課題があるのではないかなとも思いました。僕らが今持っていないもの、将来必要とするものは何かを考えていくことが一番大事なことだと感じました。」



    On December 3, during the 6th-period social studies class, third-year junior high school students visited Sojo University’s IoT and AI Center.

 They were guided by Professor Naito of the Faculty of Informatics and were able to experience various AI-based products and devices, such as an AI device that recognizes a person’s body and uses projected arrows to guide the person to his/her destination and an AI device that recognizes a person’s facial expressions and projects the same emoticons on the screen.

 The junior high school students were more interested in the digital society through this class experience, which was different from their usual classroom experience.

Student’s Impressions

I can see how the latest technology is making our lives more convenient. It was a valuable experience for me to learn how IOT has been integrated into our daily lives through concrete experiences such as Sony’s sensor technology. It also made me think about how IOT will develop and help solve problems in society in the future. However, I also thought that there might be issues of data security and privacy protection when we use cameras to view the data. I felt the most important thing was to think about what we don’t have now and what we will need in the future.”

12月2日(月) 闇バイト防止講演会




  • 闇バイトにおいて少年少女は捨て駒にすぎず、犯罪であるため必ず捕まるということ。
  • 中高生は欲しいものも多く、アルバイトの経験もないため年齢不問や高収入、簡単という文言にだまされやすいこと。
  • 個人の情報を他人に送らないこと。
  • 普段使わないアプリに誘導されたら疑うこと。
  • 怪しいと思ったり、脅しを受けたりした場合には相談窓口や先生、警察に必ず相談すること。





Staff members from the Life Safety Division of the Kumamoto Prefectural Police Headquarters visited us and gave a lecture to all junior high and high school students on the prevention of underhanded work. Nowadays, we hear about “black market” jobs on TV and in the news. They told us that it is not something that junior high and high school students are unaware of, and in fact there is a high possibility that it could happen to them.

He also asked us to pay attention to the following points in our daily lives.

In the black market, boys and girls are just pawns to be discarded, and since it is a crime, they will surely be caught.
Junior high and high school students have many things they want and have no experience in part-time jobs, so they are easily deceived by the words “no age requirement,” “high income,” and “easy.
Do not send personal information to others.
Be suspicious if you are led to an application that you do not normally use.
If you feel suspicious or receive threats, be sure to consult with a consultation service, your teacher, or the police.

Some students may have felt that black market work is not related to them and that it is someone else’s problem. However, since it is a crime that can happen close at hand, please spend time being careful about how you use social networking services and how you gather information on a daily basis.


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わんがけ法 火山灰にふくまれる物