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文徳中学校トップページ » 日々のできごと » ペルーとの国際交流 1日目「International exchange with Peru (Day 1)」

ペルーとの国際交流 1日目「International exchange with Peru (Day 1)」










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Immediately after their group arrived, Principal Eliana and each of the students from San Jose de Monterrico greeted the school staff in Japanese and presented them with commemorative gifts.


During first period, we held an exchange party with both the Japanese and Peruvian flag handing in the front. Principal Eliana gave a speech in Japanese to our students and showed us a video of their school. As representative, one of our students, Ms. Murakami (from Ohama Elementary School) welcomed the Peruvian students, then the students from San Jose de Monterrico, dressed in traditional Peruvian clothing, performed a dance. After that, we had an ice breaker where students from both schools had smiles gradually spread across their faces.


From 2nd period, the Peruvian students participated in our classes. The students tried hard to communicate with each other in English and by using gestures and body language, not only in English classes but also in social studies and math class. Also, in PE class, the Peruvian students tried swimming lessons which are not offered at their school.


At first, the students seemed confused and nervous interacting with people from a different culture and communicating in a different language, but as they shared space and time together, they gradually began to open up, and they realized how important face-to-face interaction is in deepening mutual understanding.
After school, the Peruvian students returned home with our students families (their host families) and experienced home life in Japan.

