学校法人 文徳学園 文徳高等学校・文徳中学校


文徳中学校トップページ » 日々のできごと





On Monday, May 27th, in the 7th grader’s science class, they observed the internal structure of anchovies. The students soaked the anchovies that were boiled and died in water for about 10 minutes, then used tweezers to peel them apart and observe their insides. They separated and observed the spine, stomach, intestines, gills, etc.

令和6年度 交通安全教室





  • 交通社会の現状について (全国・熊本県自転車事故の発生状況)
  • 自転車乗車中の事故事例 
  • 年々高騰化する損害賠償額の判例と保険について
  • 自転車の安全利用について交通法令の順守 (安全ルールを守る・ヘルメット着用の重要性)







In 6th period on Wednesday, May 15th, a lecturer from the Traffic Safety Education Center at KDS Kumamoto Driving School visited our school and held a traffic safety class for the junior and senior high school students.

〈講演内容〉(The contents of the lecture)

  • The current state of traffic (in relation to bicycle accidents nationwide and in Kumamoto Prefecture)
  • Examples of accidents while riding a bicycle
  • Cases and insurance regarding the ever-increasing amount of compensation for victims in accidents
  • Compliance with traffic laws for safe bicycle use (obeying safety rules and the importance of wearing a helmet)

〈講話を聞いた後の生徒の感想〉[Students’ impressions after listening to the lecture]

  • By listening to the lecturer’s personal experience, I learned that if I get into a traffic accident, even if I don’t feel any pain, I need to contact the police immediately.
  • I was surprised to see that the number of accidents in 2023 has increased compared to the pervious year. Although I don’t bike to school, I’ve decided to always wear a helmet when I ride a bike.
  • Listening to the lecturer’s personal accident experience, I was remind that it is important to always report and consult with your parents or teachers, not just in traffic accidents, but in any case of injury.
  • Through the traffic safety class, I was able to learn the importance of actions that can protect my life (checking for safety properly).